What my father taught me


With all the posts about fathers today, I’ve decided to contribute to the thread…

My father and I have never been particularly close, I’ve always found it easier to talk to my mother and I’ve never even said the words, ‘I love you’ to him. Only in texts or cards, but not to him in person. It always seemed too bold a phrase. Maybe it’s a cultural thing, I’m not so sure.

What I AM sure of is that he has taught me many things:

  • strive to be the best always; mediocrity is not a word in his dictionary
  • no goal is too difficult to achieve
  • there is no harm in dreaming
  • trials and tribulations build your character like nothing else
  • you can do a lot with a little

I know that I inherited his sense of adventure and restlessness; without which I wouldn’t have travelled the world and become a serial expat. I also love that he is the most generous person I know. He is generous to a fault; he would take the shirt off his back to help someone in need.

Happy Father’s Day Daddy!

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